Comming out the shadow


The Irish Lace was introduced in Brazil by missionary nuns and is currently recognized as brazilian intangible heritage by the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage. This sophisticated craftsmanship holds a prominent place in the Brazilian imagination and is often gifted to heads of state and personalities visiting our country.

Despite being familiar with Irish Lace through the media, we rarely get to know the individuals responsible for its creation.

With the aim of giving prominence to the artisans of the Lace Women  Association in the small town of Divina Pastora, in the semi-arid region of Sergipe, Brazil, I decided to capture them through a set of scenes where the intricacies of the Lace appear as shadows enveloping their bodies, as an element of interference between the lens and the subject, creating a sort of filter, and as a backdrop for the portraits. In this way, I create a visual metaphor that reveals the deep connection between the Lace Women and their craft.

Series IRISH LACE Awarded at the Mario De Andrade Ethnographic Photography Contest of the National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage of Brazil."